Growing and taking care of plants is our family history

This adventure started in 1980, when Jardinería Benages was born, as a local gardening company. In 2004, with the opening of the garden center, we started growing plants to sell them locally. Nowadays, we have turned this project into Benages Plants, a benchmark company in this field, specialized in exporting Mediterranean plants.

Benages Plants is the result of years of effort, commitment and of a great love for the earth.

Benages plants

Years of commitment to gardening

We can’t talk about our origins without mentioning the passion and love our parents felt towards the earth. Thanks to this and after years of commitment to gardening, they decide to embark on what, years later, would turn into a successful project and a benchmark company.

It was in 1980 when they decided to found ‘Jardinería Benages’, a gardening company in Cambrils that, little by little, achieved great recognition at local level, until it became one of the most important companies in the field.


Growing and exporting quality plants

As time went by, a new generation joined the family business. By investing a great deal of effort and commitment, we managed to turn our garden center, dedicated to retail and wholesale, in an international export company. Nowadays, Benages Plants is quite a reality.

Leaders in exporting

mediterranean quality

follow-up and safety

Benages plants

Superior quality trees and plants

At Benages Plants, we work on growing and exporting great quality trees, especially olive trees, palm trees and conifers.

Thanks to the typical characteristics of the Mediterranean weather, we can rely on the suitable conditions for the development and growth of our plants. Moreover, our highly qualified professionals are present throughout the production process, painstakingly inspecting and monitoring the planting and growing phases. The result is extreme quality specimens, ready to be prepared and subsequently shipped to our customers.



icono plantación


icono crecimiento


icono selección


icono envío


We offer you a customized service


1. Plantación

Llevamos a cabo todo el proceso de plantación de nuestras plantas, ya sean olivos, palmeras, coníferas u otras.

Nos aseguramos del establecimiento adecuado de cada ejemplar y, gracias a un exhaustivo seguimiento, control y monitorización, podemos verificar su correcto desarrollo. Además, esto nos permite detectar cualquier signo de enfermedad y actuar con la mayor rapidez, en caso de ser necesario,

2. Crecimiento

El crecimiento de cualquier planta viene determinado por diferentes factores como pueden ser la temperatura, la cantidad de agua, la luz o los nutrientes, entre otros.

En Benages Plants, nos encargamos de todos los aspectos que intervienen, de una manera u otra, en el crecimiento saludable de la planta (suelo, riego, poda, abono…). Nuestro objetivo principal es poder garantizar la máxima calidad de nuestro sárboles.

3. Selección

¿Te gustaría venir a nuestras instalaciones y seleccionar el ejemplar que desees, ente todas nuestras plantas?

Ponemos a tu disposición una amplia variedad de olivos, palmeras, coníferas, entre los que podrás escoger. Una vez seleccionada, la planta quedará marcada, para su posterior preparación y envío. Y, en caso de que no puedas venir presencialmente, nuestro equipo se encargará de seleccionar para ti el mejor ejemplar.

4. Envío

Una vez preparadas las plantas previamente seleccionadas por nuestros clientes, precederemos a su envío.

En Benages Plants, te ofrecemos la posibilidad de comprar al por mayor y contratar un servicio de transporte, ya sea este nacional o internacional. Trabajamos con empresas de transporte externas que se encargarán de que tus plantas lleguen a su destino en óptimas condiciones. Y si necesitas más información, ¡pregúntanos!

1. Planting

We take care of the whole planting process for all of our plants, either olive trees, palm trees, conifers or more.

We make sure that each specimen is appropriately established and, through a thorough follow-up, inspection and monitoring, we can verify its correct development. Furthermore, this allows us to spot any sign of disease and act promptly, if necessary.

2. Growing

The way in which any plant grows is determined by many factors, such as temperature, the amount of water, light or nutrients, among others.

At Benages Plants, we take care of all aspects involved, in one way or another, in healthy plant growth (soil, watering, pruning, fertilizing…). Our main goal is to be able to guarantee the highest quality of our plants.

3. Selecting

Would you like to come to our facilities and choose the specimen you wish, among all our plants?

You will be able to choose from our wide variety of olive trees, palm trees, conifers. Once you choose a plant, it will be marked, so that we can later prepare it and ship it. If you are not able to come in person, our team will choose the best specimen for you.

4. Shipping

Once we prepare the plants our customers previously chose, we will proceed to ship them.

At Benages Plants, we offer you the possibility to buy wholesale and hire a transport service, either national or international. We work with external transport companies that will make sure your plants get to their destination in optimal conditions. Let us know if you need more information!